This military SF series (also known as “Star Fire”) is based on the universe of the Starfire series of board games. The first four novels were written by David Weber and Steve White, the fifth by White and Shirley Meier and the rest by White and Charles E. Gannon.
Here's a list of the novels, ordered by the internal chronology:
# | Title | Authors | Publ. | Enemy | Starts | Notes |
1. | Crusade | Weber & White | 1992 | Thebans | 227x? | In TSAW I |
2. | In Death Ground | Weber & White | 1997 | Bugs; ISW-4 (book 1 of 2) | 2360 | In TSAW I |
3. | The Shiva Option | Weber & White | 2002 | Bugs; ISW-4 ( 2 of 2) | 2364 | In TSAW II |
4. | Insurrection | Weber & White | 1990 | Terrans | 2439 | In TSAW II |
5. | Exodus | White & Meier | 2006 | Arduans (ISW-5) book 1 | 2524 | |
6. | Extremis | White & Gannon | 2011 | Arduans (ISW-5) book 2 | 25xx??? | |
5. | Imperative | White & Gannon | 2016 | Arduans book 3 | 25xx??? | |
5. | Oblivion | White & Gannon | 2018 | Arduans book 4 | 25xx??? |
The first four novels are now sold as two omnibus volumes.
Note that In Death Ground and The Shiva Option are a duology, despite the 5-year gap in publication and the split between the omnibus volumes. Insurrection is set a generation later. has a Star Fire wiki, which (1) is not very good, (2) is more about the game than the books and (3) has very little about the later books.
The guy who created the Star Union of Crucis wrote this forum post from 2007 about events predating ISW-4.